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Raising Readers
in the Heartland

Raising Readers, Creating Opportunities!

Reading brings out our imagination

Our Mission

Raising Readers in the Heartland’s mission is to inspire a life-long love of reading by providing new, high-quality books for ALL children from birth to age five who live in Polk County.

Our Vision

We envision a future where all children who live in Polk County possess the reading and literacy skills needed to reach their full potential.

  • We believe that reading is the foundation for all learning.
  • We believe children’s reading abilities have the power to change lives and create endless opportunities for children and the communities in which they live.

Girls Reading in Library

Our Goals

  • To inspire a passion for reading by providing quality reading materials to ALL children who live in Polk County, regardless of location or socioeconomic status.

  • To collaborate with children, parents, community leaders, and businesses within Polk County to increase educational equity in reading and literacy.

  • To support parents in understanding the relationship between reading and their children’s success by providing resources that highlight developmental milestones and expectations.

Our Board

RRITH is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.

Dr. Jill Friestad-Tate

Jennifer Friestad

Lori Behnami

Amber Juffer
Board Member

Shirley Poertner
Board Member

Crystal Rhoads
Board Member